Reasons Why You Should Take Your Child To A Long Daycare

A daycare is a centre where a parent or a guardian can take their child during the daytime for an agreed period of time. The daycare centre usually gives a parent a list of their programmes to choose from. There are different two main types of daycare programmes that are known worldwide:

The half-a-daycare programme, in which a child is cared for until noon, then the parent can come back for them. It is usually convenient if a parent only has a few things to do during the day before coming back for their child.

Full-day care, also known as long daycare, is one where the parent leaves the child in a daycare centre early in the morning (8-9 AM) and picks them up later in the evening between 4-5 PM.

The following are some of the advantages of taking a child to long daycare centres rather than opting for half-day care:

  • A parent is free throughout the day

As a parent, you need to balance between work and managing your child. Long daycare ensures that your child is safely taken care of as you are busy looking for income to provide for your child. You can then take charge after work to sit with your child and interact with them.

  • A child has enough time to play with others

A child will have plenty of time to play with their friends at the centre when it is a long daycare programme. This increases their ability to interact with others.

  • Better meal programmes

Since your child will be eating their lunch at the centre, it is your responsibility to ensure that the meals provided are nutritious to your child. You should also make arrangements in case your child does not consume a given meal due to health issues.

  • Plenty of facilities

Since children will be around for a long period in a long daycare centre, the centre is usually equipped with plenty of facilities that can help children to forget about home and enjoy themselves at the centre.

  • Increases a child’s socialisation capability

Since a child will be staying in school until evening, they have no choice but to form friends among themselves and play together. Once they start accepting one another, they become social and friendly. Such children will always choose peace over violence with one another.

Factors to consider when taking a child to a long daycare centre

You should keep in mind the following factors when you wish to take your child to a daycare centre:

  • Location

You should find out if the location of the centre is convenient so as to avoid delays and poor road network as you go about picking or dropping off your child.

  • Cost

You should also find out the cost of a particular centre. They usually vary depending on the location, facilities, and programmes.

  • Staff

Your child will be staying with strangers throughout the day, hence find out how experienced the staff is. You also need to know their level of tolerance for the children because a child can sometimes overreact, and if the caregiver is not well experienced, they may end up injuring the child.

Having looked at the benefits of taking a child to Happy Hippo Childcare and kindergarten, it is with no doubt that it is worth the cost.



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